Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why Ask God?

I’ve learned something about the relationship between God and me recently.  It’s that I really need to remember to ask for what I want.  It’s not up to me to decide if I need it.  God will handle that part.  If I don’t need it, God will, by His “no,” let me know. 

It is among my responsibilities in this relationship to ask. 

I think there are two reasons. First, when I ask God for something, I reconnect; also, by asking, I signal that I know Who’s God and Who isn’t. And that I know I’m the “isn’t.”

The second reason to ask God for Her help is that, when I do that, I acknowledge both that I cannot manage on my own, and that I don’t have to.
My faith is so everyday that I sometimes forget it means that I’m never alone.